Those working with Malaysians from abroad or within Malaysia will learn important values, facts and behaviors needed for successfully interacting with and influencing their Malaysian colleagues both in the workplace and in social life.
Dr. Asma Abdullah is a freelance consultant, trainer and facilitator on topics related to human resource development and the influence of cultural dimensions on management. Her work experience included 8 years of secondary school teaching and curriculum development in a semi-government organization and 22 years in an American multinational as a human resource development practitioner until her retirement in 2003. She teaches on a part-time basis at the Graduate School of Management, University Putra on topics related to Cross-Cultural Management, Organizational Development and Change, International HRM, Organizational Behavior and Training and Development. She now works closely with both Malaysian and foreign managers to enable them to understand cross-cultural and diversity issues when working in multicultural teams in the Asia-Pacific region.
Marie Tseng is co-founder and director of Cultural Impact Sdn Bhd, Marie has lived in 8 different countries over the past 20 years (France, Taiwan, UK, Netherlands, Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia). Founder of a consultancy-procurement office in Taiwan and cross-cultural trainer with the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in the Netherlands and Itim Brazil, she has worked with large corporations including ABN-AMRO, AH Hold, Philips, BASF, Heineken. Marie also has solid experience in establishing and managing large multicultural volunteer groups in collaboration with governmental institutions in South East Asia. She was chairman of the Indonesian Heritage Society in 2004-2005, and founded the Museum Volunteer Malaysia group in 2007.
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