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Hvad gør man, hvis man er lige er ankommet til en by eller et område, og man kender ikke nogen? Hvordan kan man komme i kontakt med lokalbefolkningen? Og hvad hvis man har boet i den samme by i årevis og allerede har familie og venner her, men ikke er opmærksom på de nytilkomne i området? Måske har I noget tilfælles? Måske kan I hjælpe hinanden. Måske kan I endda have det lidt sjovt sammen! Dette diversophy® migrant-spil er udviklet til at blive spillet af en gruppe af danskere og migranter (gerne med oprindelse i forskellige lande) i landsbyer i Danmark. Det kunne for eksempel være i forbindelse med fællesspisning eller møder i sportsforeninger eller lokalforeninger.




What if you are a newcomer to the neighborhood and you don’t know anyone? How can you make contact with the locals? And what if you have lived in the same town for years with family and friends, but don’t notice newcomers to the area? Maybe you have something in common? Maybe you can help each other. Maybe you could even have some fun together! This diversophy migrant game has been created to be played in small towns by a group of Danes and migrants (preferably from different countries). This could for example be at a local shared meal or at meetings of local sports and other clubs.

Denmark: Nye Forbindelser (Creating Connections)

  • Anne Fox er uddannelseskonsulent inden for integrering af digitale værktøjer og globalt samarbejde inden for læring, faglig udvikling, coaching og interkulturel kommunikation. Anne er fransk og britisk og bor i Danmark, hvor hun underviser i engelsk og driver eget firma. Hun har været co-vært og producent af Absolutely Intercultural podcasten siden 2006. Hun præsenterer regelmæssigt på internationale konferencer, herunder Online Educa Berlin, Eden, IATEFL og SIETAR. Hun har arbejdet med flygtninge både i frivillig og professionel kapacitet siden 2016.

    Line Rugholt er lærings- og uddannelsesspecialist. Hun har arbejdet i international business som selvstændig konsulent og professionel træner med fokus på interkulturel kommunikation og samarbejde. I øjeblikket arbejder hun med børns sprogindlæring. Line er dansk og har arbejdet globalt i over 10 år, hovedsagelig i Europa og Indien, hvor hun boede og arbejdede i 5 år. Mens Line boede i Indien, var hun del af SIETAR India’s bestyrelse, og hun stod i spidsen af Sietar India’s Delhi Chapter. I denne rolle var hun med til at organisere flere interkulturelle konferencer og læringsbegivenheder. Hun er co-udvikler af Danmark: Nye Forbindelser  Migrant diversophy®-spil og det danske diversophy®-spil.

    Anne Fox Anne is an education consultant in the areas of integrating digital tools and global collaboration in learning, professional development, coaching and intercultural communication. Anne is French and British and currently living in Denmark where she has taught English and runs her own company. She has been co-host and producer of the Absolutely Intercultural podcast since 2006. She presents regularly at international conferences including Online Educa Berlin, Eden, IATEFL and SIETAR. She has been working with refugees both in voluntary and professional capacities since 2016.

    Line Rugholt is a learning and education specialist. She has worked in international business contexts, as an independent consultant and professional trainer of intercultural communication and collaboration. Currently, she is specializing in children’s language learning. Line is Danish and has worked globally for over 10 years, mostly in Europe as well as in India where she lived and worked for 5 years. While in India, Line served on SIETAR India’s board and headed Delhi Chapter of the organization. In this role she was key in organizing several intercultural conferences and learning events. She is a co-developer of the Denmark: Creating Connections  diversophy® migrant game and the Denmark  professional game.

  • Each diversophy® game’s content is reviewed and updated regularly. To ensure that you receive the latest version, your order is not prepared until we receive it from you. You will receive an online version within 2 working days and a printed copy within 20 working days.

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