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Those working with the Dutch from abroad or within The Netherlands will learn important values, facts and behaviors needed for successfully interacting with and influencing Dutch colleagues both in the workplace and in social life. The Netherlands are a small, multicultural country. There are many regional, ethnical and social cultural differences. This means that unevitably many statements in this game are generalizations. Please bear that in mind when visiting the country.



Beatrix Driessen comes from a small town in the South of the Netherlands but has been living in Amsterdam for a long time. During several years she lived abroad (Germany, China). She works as an independent consultant in an international environment and her partner is German. These experiences make her constantly aware of the characteristics of her own culture. But she thinks she experienced her biggest culture shock when she moved to Amsterdam!

Dr. George Simons is a consultant and trainer specializing in the development of local competence in individuals, teams, and organizations. He is the creator and general editor of the worldwide collection of diversophy® games and is a co-author of the Cultural Detective: USA® and many other tools in that series.

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