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Unir a las Personas
- El poder de la Interacción

Desde 2024
– Taller recurrente abierto / sesión de juego –

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By participating in this workshop series and being active in your area of interest, you can become a certified diversophy® Ambassador

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diversophy@ sessions en español!

¿Te has enfrentado alguna vez a malentendidos a través de correos electrónicos o llamadas con colegas que no lograste comprender al 100%?

Descubre cómo la cultura influye en cada detalle, desde la forma en que nos comunicamos hasta cómo lideramos equipos.

Si quieres reflexionar sobre esto y muchos otros aspectos en los que la cultura incide en la vida laboral únete a nosotros el próximo 20 de marzo en una nueva sesión de @diversophy en español.

¡Regístrate aquí y forma parte de la conversación! 

Acerca de la serie de talleres

A la serie de talleres/sesiones de juegos diversophy® asisten participantes de todo el mundo. Exploramos culturas y temas específicos, compartimos nuestras diversas experiencias y percepciones culturales y aprendemos unos de otros, sin juzgar, con respeto por todos. El objetivo es fomentar el descubrimiento y el debate mutuos, conocernos y comprendernos mejor y enriquecernos con lo que descubrimos.


Este juego no pretende ser exhaustivo ni promover una verdad única sobre un grupo social determinado o una cultura específica. Dentro de un mismo país existen diferencias de una región o grupo social a otro, y de generación en generación. Depende de usted explorar más a fondo.

Feedback from participants

I was immediately captivated by this game, since my 1st session, not only because the cards were so beautifully designed that they inspired you to share, even if you had minimal experience and knowledge. But most importantly, I was fascinated by all these different (diverse ;) ) opinions and views and people, mixed together, sharing together, coming together.

Vicky Margari

It is indeed a great way to create a safe space for exchange and getting to know each other and learning more about oneself. It was a nice way to have everyone open up and share.

Nandita Rothermund-Bucher

I had my first diversophy® Zoom call last Thursday and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I've been looking at the games and am so impressed! I look forward to exploring this brilliant concept and way you have brought it to life in such a fun way!!

Alannah Sinclaire

This is an innovative way of learning and developing social skills. Besides, I want to highlight that diversophy could help to understand we are all global citizens and, therefore, to build respect and tolerance among all of us to make the world a better and peaceful place. I like that the games go deeper into the cultures, it does not stay on the superficial part about a culture. This is the best way to really get familiar with cultural values and behaviors. The game is a good way to practice English for non-native speakers.

Camila Vergara Salgado

Thank you so very much! These thoughtful games and the warm, international community make my life more interesting and enjoyable!

Rima Litke

I loved the game! It's such a fantastic way of engaging and getting to know other perspectives, especially in utterly diverse groups. Loving it!

Konstanze Halentz Barros

Playing "diversiDARE" (on one of the diversophy® game sessions) has encouraged me to feel okay with being vulnerable in stating an opinion. It has shown me how I can sometimes respond to certain words or ideas - as if from a script:  X has been said I must say Y! Instead of always following the wisdom: "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." Playing "diversiDARE" has made me curious about myself and what I believe and why and it has made me even more curious about others and what they believe and why and how to mind the gap.  Join us to experience it for yourself!

Annabelle Bee Baumann

Have you participated? We would love to hear your feedback!

How satisfied were you?
How relevant was it for you?
What was the best part?
How likely are you to recommend it to others?
Will you consider coming to the future workshops?

Thank you for your feedback!


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