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EMBLEMS diversophy® is an intercultural learning and communications game designed to explore what is emblematic about cultures around the world. Emblems are identity markers range from national flags and symbols, to commercial logos, to the foods we eat, and the many things that we do differently from our global (or our next-door) neighbors. Some of these may be positive or negativeasseenbyourselvesandothers.So,thetaskhereistorecognizethem,dealwithourautomaticreactionstothem,andusethemaselementsofinsightratherthanbecominglabels,stereotypes,biases,orprejudicesaboutdifference.Thesafespacecreatedbythisgameenablesustodothisinaninterestingandenjoyablewaythatconnectsuswithpeopledifferentfromourselves.Enjoy!



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