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From the neon glitz of Ginza to the snows of Mt Fujiyama, Japan is a land that sketches the imagination of visitors and local tourists alike. Historical isolation led the Japanese to develop an extraordinary rich and complex culture. Today its success as a commercial nation has brought new worlds of variety and complexity to its streets and given birth to a generation body neglecting and at odds with their parents and grandparents. Japan is different in so many ways that are hard to grasp by other minds. The cards on Japanese customs and behavior will engage you with the Japanese and stretch your mind in new directions.



Noriko Takizawa Cruz was born and raised in Japan, she has been living in the USA since 1996 when she joined George Simons International. She enjoys encountering new cultures by travelling to and living in more than a dozen countries. With background in International Relations, International Development and Public Health, she has worked for corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies in Japan, the USA, and the Philippines.

Dianne Hofner Saphiere, creator of the Cultural Detective™ method, Dianne Hofner Saphiere is founder and president of Nipporica Associates, an intercultural consulting and training firm. USA-born, Dianne spent twelve years working in Japan, Spain and Mexicos. Her client list includes ABB, Cable and Wireless, Continental Airlines, Mitsui, Royal Dutch Shell, and Texas Instruments. In 1994, Dianne was honored by the International Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) with its Outstanding Interculturalist award.

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