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TEENdiversophy - our collaborators' games



Please note, this game is in the "Our Collaborators' Games" category. It is developed under the diversophy® logo, and the dynamic is different than traditional diversophy® games.


TEENdiversophy™️: Gen 2 is an engaging and fun learning game dedicated to help teens learn socially healthy ways to navigate the wide range of challenges USA high schools face in our increasingly diverse and complex world. Gen 1 was developed early in the millennium, written by high students and college interns who helped with field testing and editing.

Gen 2’s updated content supports teens’ learning and growth by playing together with school relevant topics. Students connect with each other by learning what they have in common and are enriched by what they discover about their differences. TEENdiversophy™️: Gen 2 can also be played in your teacher/staff professional development and team building sessions.
After playing, extend learning: Create cards unique to your school culture. Want to make a significant impact? Send your topics or card content to to keep Gen 2 growing as a valuable resource for every high schools’ DEI initiatives.

TEENdiversophy - our collaborators' games


Malati Marlene Shinazy, MEd, CCMP©. As a multiracial, fifth generation San Francisco, CA, USA native, Malati has been devoted to diversity, inclusion, and equity education and professional development for decades. She was Director of Diversity and Community Development at a k-12 school and has taught at all levels, including teacher education. She also taught Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace at University of California, Santa Barbara. Malati works internationally in strategic planning, change management, and professional development for teachers, education leaders, and organizations across sectors. Malati researched and co-authored Listening To Millennials: 56 Priceless Tips for Managers and is a popular DEI conference speaker. She is finally a grandmother and is the proud mom of three adult children who worked with her on the TEENdiversophy™ Gen 1 Game when they were young.

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