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USA HealthCare 1 diversophy® addresses the medical wellness concerns and habits of major US ethnic groups, Latinos, African Americans, Chinese, Southeast Asians, Asian Indians, Native Americans and many more. HealthCare diversophy® brings diversity to the level of the caregiver-patient interaction. This game can be used in the continuing education of physicians, nursing staff and administrators in healthcare organizations, and be integrated into academic healthcare study programs.

USA HealthCare 1


Dr. Suzanne Salimbene is president of Inter-Face International, an organization to assist health practitioners and administrators develop the cultural competency skills to implement the changes in their organizations required to attract, serve, and retain an increasingly diverse client and patient population. Salimbene has developed programs for FHP, Kaiser Permanente and Blue Cross. She is author and publisher of Culturally Competent Health Care, a bi-monthly newsletter; creator of the Multicultural Health Care Calendar, co-author of What Language does your Patient Hurt In?

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