Originally created as an addendum to the standard US Domestic game. This now stand alone set of role plays deals with basic diversity issues of the US workforce of race, ethnicity, gender, and other fundamental issues of equity and compliance in US organizations. Each card contains a role play challenge for the player and the role that another member is to take and act out with the primary player. Many training professionals have found this card set to be useful in a variety of training situations beyond the game itself.
USA Roleplay Game
Dr. George Simons, a consultant and trainer specializing in the development of local competence in individuals, teams, and organizations. He is the creator and general editor of the worldwide collection of diversophy® games and is a co-author of the Cultural Detective: USA® and many other tools in that series. Diversity pioneer, editor of the diversophy series of learning games, has synthesized the learnings of close to half a century of intercultural research and best practice into succinct and understandable game form that will start you and keep you sharing with the people about you in today's multicultural world of global enterprises. Look for fun and fascination as you learn from one of the masters in the field of intercultural consulting and training.