diversophy® is designed for optimal learing
An answer for today
Since 1972, the story of diversophy® is one of persistent innovation and development for over half a century from its conception to today’s exciting collaborations that are penetrating dimensions of cultural diversity and learning in ways that parallel and take advantage of developments in both pedagogy and technology. However, longevity is not the only feature that distinguishes this gamified series of intercultural learning activities. Here are some of the things that make us stand out.
Five different kinds of learning stimulate whole person engagement. diversophy® should not be mistaken for just another quiz about culture. It offers multiple entry points into the individual and cultural identities and experiences of the players and each other.
Participant interactivity creates both understanding and strengthens connections between diverse players of the game, aiding acculturation in daily living as well as collaboration in work and other activities.
Though the stand-alone impact of the game is significant, diversophy® is regularly used as a part of larger programs. It is compatible with many kinds of diversity and intercultural training, bringing to life and solidifying what is learned in theory, models, and assessment tools.
diversophy® games are created by professionals, usually in teams, having strong, practical, hands-on experience with the theme and subject matter of each game. Our organization invites the development of new themes, translations and fresh approaches to formatting using the games. Many games already exist in multiple languages.
Games can be customized from combining existing games as well as consulting our massive data base to best achieve the learning objectives of the situation in which they are used.
Cultural content is regularly examined for its accuracy up-to-date relevance.
What participants say
There is an endless number of intercultural tools both on the market and developed by imaginative teachers and trainers. diversophy®, however, stands alone in terms of the rich variety of learnings accessible in its content and processes. The element of gamification is becoming more and more recognized for its effectiveness in dealing not just with ideas but with exploring feelings and creating social connections. Here is what players are telling us:
"I never expected to learn so much in thirty minutes. It was eye opening and heartwarming."
"I very much enjoyed the conversations that the game inspired. It provided a good structure in which to share feelings and insights that might otherwise leave us vulnerable. Thank you for being so inclusive!"
"I think one of the most interesting are diversiSHARE cards, the comparison of habits and modes of behavior underlying cultural differences and potential culture shocks."
"diversiGUIDE cards are powerful because they can highlight the similarities between all cultures."
"I just came back home from diversity & inclusion cards workshop I facilitated. 23 companies' representatives. They love it. I am always positively surprised about how diversophy® cards are capable to engage people, stimulate conversation and how much people enjoy!"